Fashion Friday
Fashion Friday started in February of 2012. It was inspired by my love for books and fashion. Fashion Friday is a weekly meme created by FireStarBooks in order for book lovers to post any fashion related idea or image that they thought would be a great match for books on Friday.
So if you saw a book cover you like and just happened to saw a dress that looked/feel the same way, post it up for Fashion Friday. It doesn't have to be a book cover! If you read an amazing book that had a plot that made you feel like a kickass rocker, and you just happen to see a gorgeous black leather jacket, post it up for Fashion Friday. It doesn't have to be clothes, it can be jewelries, beauty etc.
This is what is great about Fashion Friday, everyone will feel different about the book so everything they post up will be different from the rest. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THE SAME BOOK I POST ABOUT! Go crazy!
If you are not sure what to do (I am horrible at describing), take a look at the end of the INCARNATE Theatre Treasure Hunt, HERE. Or just look at the past weeks of FF.
If you have any questions about Fashion Friday please feel free to contact me via email.
Past Weeks
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3: Special Edition
Week 4: The Hunger Games Edition
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8: The Selection Edition
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11: Dreamless Edition
Week 12: Venetian Masks Edition
Week 13: The Girl in the Clockwork Collar
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16: Dragons, Serpents, Snakes, OH MY!
Week 17: This is Not A Test
Week 18: Tiger Lily
Week 19: The Night Circus
Week 20: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Week 21: Etiquette and Espionage
Week 22: DC Comics #1
Week 23: Modern Princesses
Week 24: Mr Penumbra