Saturday, January 26, 2013

Character Profiles♥Giveaways: Reaper's Novice by Cecilia Robert

Author Name (Pen Name): Cecilia Robert

Release date: 5th December 2012

Social Media links:

Book Description:
17- year- old Ana Maria Tei’s life has always been perfect: loving parents, good grades, and a future so bright it outshone the sun. But now words like “separation” and “divorce” are sending her world plummeting to hell. Determined to keep her family intact, Ana plans a family-bonding trip from Vienna to Tuscany. Except fate has other plans. Ana’s parents and siblings are killed in a car accident on their way to pick Ana up from school.
Enter Grim, aka Ernest. He promises to relinquish the four souls if Ana agrees to trade her soul for theirs and serve a lifetime as his novice. In order for Ana to graduate from her Reaper’s Novice station to a Soul Collector graduate, Grim puts her to test. To her horror, she finds out becoming a Reaper’s Novice didn’t happen by chance. It was preordained, and she is forced to make a choice: save her family’s souls or come to terms with who she really is and complete the task set for her.

Character Bios:
Character name: Ana Maria Tei
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Family: Lives with her two siblings, her mom and dad
Role: The story is told in her point of view.
Special skills/Power: Plays the violin. She can also shift (move) to different places within the blink of an eye, conceal (hide using a spell). Her power isn’t mentioned in the beginning of the story, but it is related to her gift of playing the violin.
Relation to other characters: She is Rolf’s girlfriend, and has two best friends.

Character name: Rolf Mayer
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Male
Role: Ana’s boyfriend. He is also one of the story’s catalyst
Family: Only child, still lives with his dad
Special skills/power: Plays piano. Plays hockey. His power isn’t mentioned until the second book in the series.

Character name: Grim, aka Ernest
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Role: Grim Reaper
Family: Unknown, but is known to be soft hearted when situations allow
Special skills/power: Limitless. He is supernatural royalty. He can alter the time and memories.
Relation to other characters: He is Ana’s mentor.

Character name: Sinteler
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Role: The villain
Special skills/Powers: Unknown at the moment, but can control souls and trap them in mirrors.
He is the ultimate bad guy in the story and he will stop at nothing to have what he wants, and the only person who can give him what he wants, is Ana.
The author is giving away some super awesome stuff for this tour and we have broken it all down into three unique giveaways all of which will be open internationally!

Giveaway #1: 2 eBook copies of Reaper’s Novice: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2: Two $15 Amazon gift cards: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway #3: The Swag: Violin magnet, violin pin, and a beaded necklace/bracelet: a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you very much for the giveaways!

  2. Hi!:) Thanks so much for hosting me today. I can't say how much I appreciate your help. Just thank you.
    Have a great weekend! :) <3

  3. Love the bio's. Rolf was definitely one that i am interested in seeing more of in the next book. I want to know what his power is.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever


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