Saturday, February 2, 2013

Excerpt♥Giveaway: Altered by Coletti

When Toni, Joseph and Charlie arrive at their new boarding school, they are glad to leave their families — and respective problems — behind. Isolated as boarders, they meet ahandsome senior with a personality like iced snake’s blood, teachers with a penchant for physical punishment, and four other outcasts who reveal that their being brought to the Academy wasn’t random at all. When the arrivals discover that their new school is engaged in “behavior modification” through electric shocks, isolation, restraints, and an ever-evolving set of methods to “fix” them, they declare war on their Academy. During their campaign of sabotage, they fight, hate, scorn, love, and begin to uncover the reasons why they were brought to the school. But as their war against the school escalates beyond their control, will they become the very things the Academy believes they are: dangerous, delinquent — and mad?

Altered: Excerpt #3


“Careful ... the guard is pacing,” Charlie whispered. “We have to wait until he passes to talk.”
Toni nodded, shifting in her bus seat. She cast a glance over at Lieutenant who was sitting further up front. She didn’t look back. Careful. That was what they all needed to be.
The bus guard began walking in the other direction. They waited until he was just out of earshot.
“They can’t do this,” Toni alleged. “There has to be some law against it. Shocking your own students? There is no other place that does this, at least not in America!”
“Actually there is,” Charlie said dismally. “I lived near it in Massachusetts. They use electric shock devices there too. And there’s tons of schools and centers and camps that use isolation, observation, stress positions, all sorts of things. They can get away with it if our parents give permission, and ours clearly did.”
“But why?” Toni hissed. “Why are they treating us like prisoners, worse than prisoners? Why would our parents agree to that?”
“Simple,” Charlie said grimly. “They think we’re dangerous enough that it warrants it.”
“But we’re not —” Toni stopped, and they both were silent as the guard walked down their end, paused, and then turned to walk back to the front of the bus.
“But we aren’t dangerous,” Toni whispered fiercely. Charlie was silent. “Are we?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule
Monday, Jan. 28:
Tuesday, Jan. 29:
Wednesday, Jan. 30:
Thursday, Jan. 31:
Friday, Feb. 1:
Saturday, Feb. 2:

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like a very cool book. folks with powers/gifts are always fun to read about.


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