In 2163, a polluted and overcrowded Earth forces humans to search for a new home. But the exoplanet they target, Exilon 5, is occupied. Having already begun a massive relocation programme, Bill Taggart is sent to monitor the Indigenes, the race that lives there. He is a man on the edge. He believes the Indigenes killed his wife, but he doesn’t know why. His surveillance focuses on the Indigene Stephen, who has risked his life to surface during the daytime.
Stephen has every reason to despise the humans and their attempts to colonise his planet. To protect his species from further harm, he must go against his very nature and become human. But one woman holds a secret that threatens Bill’s and Stephen’s plans, an untruth that could rip apart the lives of those on both worlds.
Will it attract my attention in a book store? Personally no. But that is simply because I don't think I read much of the genre with covers like this.
Very beautifully designed, by that I mean it is photoshopped perfectly and the fonts, etc fits very well. It is clean, simple and direct.
I don't particularly hate anything because I really don't know how this cover could've designed better. Personally I won't change one thing about the cover. If things have to change, the whole cover have to start from scratch and be designed from another POV (by that I mean that the redesigned cover have to be completely different from this one, so no changing the font, the colours etc).
Colour Scheme?I love it! It is crisp, bright but also misty-ly scary. <----I hope that makes sense. :P I mean the planet totally attracted my attention because of the bright colours!
I love it! It seems like the font that a TV series will use for their program like...
It is not fancy, or crazy. It is simple but not "nooby".
Unique Features?
I just like the attention to detail for this cover. The cloudy "sky", the cracked dirt, the fog-like atmosphere. It kind of chills you to the bone.
I just like how this cover makes me feel. It kind of reminds me of sci-fi, dangerous, paranormal (just a bit due to the moon/planet), and dystopic (dirt and city). I don't know. It just gave me this "feeling". I mean it is not the best cover ever, but it is good enough, and I have seen way worst.
7.5 out of 10.
What do you think?
And now a GIVEAWAY! (All my opinions above were mine. In no way did the authors told me what to write.)
For a kindle copy of Being Human, comment below on your thought of the cover?
I like the city standing alone with the moon high overhead. It's a nice contrast. And I like the blue.
ReplyDeleteOh I love this cover! The "science" feel to it. Also, the coolness of the cover almost reminds of of beer commercials. :P
ReplyDeleteI like it.
ReplyDeleteThe combined shades of blue and gray are great, the clouds formation are well done, a little misty that adds a creepy feeling when your in a new found world. The little moon at the side was kind of uhmm unbalanced, i think it would be nice if it was replaced by a building just like at the right side, but overall I like it.
ReplyDeleteInteresting feedback! Design for Writers did the cover for me.
ReplyDeleteTo explain the concept a little, the second world, Exilon 5, has two moons orbiting it. By showing the two moons the idea was to show, 'This is not Earth.'
To clarify, the giveaway on offer is a Kindle copy of Becoming Human.
ReplyDeleteSimple yet gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of book I would pick up in the book store. Why... Because I love the genre and I am almost attracted to blues as much as reds. I will admit though if there was a red cover beside it I would pick it up first. I also love the vibrant larger moon above the title, it kind of calls to me!!
ReplyDeleteI always go by if it will catch my attention. And this doesn't. I don't really like it.
ReplyDeleteOh I love this cover! The "science" feel to it. Also, the coolness of the cover almost reminds of of beer commercials. :P
ReplyDeleteThe cover is okay, nothing wrong with it, but it does not **POP**.
It covers its genre. But why does it seems like a Discovery Channel feature to me? I do not mean to offend any one!
ReplyDeleteThe editing for the cover is really good but falls short to me. I do not get the 2 full moons.
This is definitely intriguing. I have to agree with the person above me, I don't get the two moons thing, but it is still a really nice cover!
I think the cover is beautiful and the two moons/suns (?) are very intriguing. I would pick it up to check out what the book was about. After reading the synopsis I am even more intrigued. Thank you for sharing with us.
To clarify the 'two moons' on the cover, the planet shown is Exilon 5, not Earth, and it is orbited by two moons :)
ReplyDeleteLike the eye-catching cover - reminds me of a mesh between This World We Live In and Partials, but with more mystery because of the two moons!
leannessf at gmail dot com
I will select a winner of this giveaway on Saturday 16th February. All comments welcome!
ReplyDeleteI like that it has only two colors and yet the details pop!
Hi all, sorry I'm a day late in picking a winner.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Denise Z. Denise,I will send you on the Kindle copy this morning.
Thanks to Ashley for posting this and I loved all the comments!