Hi guys!!! It is time for another
Bookies Got Style!
This time it is the famous fashionable Magnus Bane.
Magnus is described as:
...wearing all kinds
of make-up, such as glitter around his eyes and lipstick. He likes to flaunt
his bisexuality by wearing rainbow leather pants, sparkly belt buckles, and
vibrant nail polish. Magnus has yellow/green "cat eyes," which have
vertical pupils and he does not have a belly button.
I REALLLLLYYYY didn't want to go styling something like this (no offence to people who dress like this, really):
I found him SUPER difficult to do because my style is NOT like him at all! I tried my best to find glittery stuff but I just don't own anything! Before I even start I have to say that
So this is the perfect post for you to try!!
First Look!
I own like two leather jackets and this is one of them. I know Magnus looooves his leather so I paired it with the most glittery top I can find in my house. I hope this gave it a badass look but I mean it is REALLY not that Magnus. The pants are cool though. If you scrolled down a bit, you can see they have a cool Magnus pattern on it, and it is more leathery than normal jeans.
Those white stuff on the top is not fluff, it is flakes of bedazzle shit. XD They are flakes of glitter. Omg I can't even. |
Damn look at my chubby cheeks! Scroll down to see more on the shoes. |
These are the pants! They have a cool ssssss-snake scale pattern on it. |
These flats kind of tie in with the pants, scales!!! And I mean the gold buckles just made it look more polished. |
Second Look!
*sigh* Once again, I wished I could've went more crazy with the look. I paired a simple white tank top with a lace covering and leopard pencil skirt. |
I was thinking "ah Magnus is like sexy so lace would work right? And pencil skirts are sexy right??" *SIGH* I tried. |
I thought maybe if I made my hair a little more messy it will look more like a Magnus style..........................*shots self* |
These are the shoes worn. I thought the bow added a cute, flirty look to the whole look. Magnus is fun and flirty right? |
Third Look!
No this is not the look but I wish I had something liked this. |
Or crazy like this |
But instead you got this.................ahahahahha.
You ask "what the eff is on your effin' head Ash???" I was going for something like this: |
Lace and glitter again?? EFF |
Close up of the sh** that was on my head....they were actually necklaces >///////////< The secret is out! |
I do have cool rings!! Eh eh??? A warlock would totally wear all these on one hand. :D |
And I do have colourful pants!!! |
Seeeeeeee, one is even glittered!! |
And colourful skirts!! |
And cool studded, bowed, leather pumps. |
And awesome glitter heels. |
Next time maybe I should just not modelled the clothes and just take pictures of it. That's better right??? *sigh*
Oh! PS! I have a coupon code for you all for the lenses! Head over to my other post for it! :D! Here's a little more about the code:
1. Customers entitle a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gift
2. The coupon code can be stacked, If you purchase 3 pairs, you will get 3 lens case plus 3 mystery gifts.
3. A minimum of 1 pair of circle lens purchased to activate the code.
4. The code has no expired dates :)
So I know I failed this time but I tried. This only told me that I need to go shopping for crazier clothes. I can hear my credit card crying. Now I must go and comfort it. See you guys next time!! AND TRY TO OUT DO ME! PLEASEEE! I BEG OF YOU!!! PUT ME OUT OF MY SHAME!!!
Oh yeah, this was what I wore with the Katniss post.......random inclusion.
LOLOL this post is soooo embarrassing ;P Thank you for stopping by. The weather had been weird!! I'm glad I squeezed in a sunny day for it. We have been bombarded by rain. I swear I thought I was in England for a second ;P